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Category: Uncategorized


As the Wetland Discovery Centre will be closed for several months, we have prepared this information sheet to help answer any questions you may have. 1. Why is the Centre closed? After 30 years in operation, the Wetland Discovery Centre is temporarily closed, since November 2023, for much needed renovations. 2. Are the trails still […]

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Family Fun at Oak Hammock Marsh this Summer

Looking for some fun and engaging activities for the whole family this summer? Make your way to the Wetland Discovery Centre at Oak Hammock Marsh where you can find something for everyone. Critter dipping, an all-time favourite, consists of exploring a marsh and identifying various small aquatic creatures using a dip net and a pail. […]

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New Rooftop Pollinator Gardens

  Our new pollinator gardens on the rooftop of the Wetland Discovery Centre have now been completed!  This new space will be used both for programming with students as well as educating our general public about the benefits of pollinators in our environment. The large garden located on the rooftop had been mostly taken over […]

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Migration is in the air

As the days are getting shorter and cooler, the Marsh is abuzz with energy as migrating birds are getting ready to undertake their long journey south. Whichever direction you look, you will see flocks of Canada geese, ducks, gulls, blackbirds and even the odd group of shorebirds zooming around. They are busy building their muscles […]

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Oak Hammock Marsh Nest Cam gives intimate look at Canada Goose and her nest

Canada geese pair choose rooftop of DUC’s national office to setup house by Leigh Patterson The Canada goose pair arrived at Oak Hammock Marsh in early March, just as the frozen wetlands were starting to soften and thaw. Together, they weathered a spring snowstorm, heavy rains, and the ever-blowing prairie winds. As the temperatures warmed, the […]

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A note to our members

As you are aware by now, because of the public health risks associated with COVID-19 the Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre is currently closed to the public until further notice. All bookings, workshops, and special events are therefore cancelled or postponed, and can be fully reimbursed upon request. We want to reassure you that, during […]

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The Easter Egg Hunt has gone High Tech

The egg has always been a symbol of rebirth and a celebration of spring. At Oak Hammock Marsh, the arrival of the first geese and ducks building nests and laying their first eggs is a sign that spring has finally arrived. Wildlife biologists at Ducks Unlimited Canada and other conservation organizations often use the nest […]

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Dragonfly Research

Keeping up with the dragonflies Honours student tracks insects to learn about migration By: Martin Zeilig If you’ve wondered how scientists track the migration patterns of dragonflies, they use tiny transmitters that are glued to the insect’s bellies. From the roof of the Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre, Ashley Pidwerbesky knows that somewhere out there […]

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Sponsor our Wetland Ambassadors

Are you looking for a great gift idea for someone this Holiday Season? Sponsoring one of our Wetland Wildlife Ambassador is a great gift idea and sure to please even the most discriminating. Our salamanders, turtles, crayfish, minnows and other various critters that can be seen at the Interpretive Centre throughout the year are in […]

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A Bird in the Hand – by Jeope Wolfe

  As an eleven-year-old boy, I waded into a marsh behind the beach I visited with my family on summer Saturdays. Clad in swim trunks and a pair of tall rubber boots, I struck out to find the “thunder-pumper”, an American bittern calling from deep within the cattails. As a blossoming bird nerd, I wanted […]

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