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Outdoor Work in Progress

While construction is moving at a nice pace indoors, outdoor work is also under way while the weather is accommodating.

Some of the work is located around the visitor parking lot area to enhance the lighting and safety features. More light posts will be installed in order to make it easier for visitors to get back to their vehicles after an evening event. This will be necessary due to the fact that we will now have an Event Centre on-site.

Another feature that will be highly visible to the public and will enhance access to the Discovery Centre is a new pathway connecting the visitor parking lot to the main entrance of the building. Following visitor feedback, we have created a more direct path through the berm to make the building entrance more accessible and welcoming to all.

We are also adding some new Rain Gardens to the front area of the building to help with drainage. This large space covered in bricks will now be divided and will feature a green area, where native grasses and flowers will greet visitors as they approach the front doors of the Discovery Centre.

The largest outdoor project is located on the west side of the building, near the Ducks Unlimited Canada’s employee parking area. A new pumphouse is being constructed in order to satisfy our needs for an updated fire suppression system. This new pumphouse will be tucked between the parking lot and a treed knoll.

All of these changes and upgrades, big and small, have one thing in common: they will enhance and improve the visitor experience at the Oak Hammock Marsh Wetland Discovery Centre and Event Centre.

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