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In Memoriam / Dedications

In Honour

Cherish the memory of a loved one who has passed away or celebrate a special occasion in the life of a family member, friend or colleague. A personalized card can be sent to the honouree on your behalf.

Make your donation

Other considerations:

boardwalk plankBoardwalk Plank

Buying a plank on our Boardwalk is a way for family and friends to make a lasting donation for all visitor to enjoy.

For $200 an engraved plate will be fastened to one of the boardwalk planks.




Leave a legacy:

Consider a gift in your will or through life insurance. This unique gift leaves a lasting legacy and provides future support.

Simply add Ducks Unlimited Canada on your will and specify you would like your funds directed to the Wetland Discovery Centre.


For more information on all sponsorship and fundraising opportunities, please contact us today.


*For legacy items, please donate the amount listed and reach out to t_visser@ducks.ca to confirm your item and plaque specifications.

Make your donation