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As the days are getting shorter and cooler, the Marsh is abuzz with energy as migrating birds are getting ready to undertake their long journey south. Whichever direction you look, you will see flocks of Canada geese, ducks, gulls, blackbirds and even the odd group of shorebirds zooming around. They are busy building their muscles […]
Read moreCanada geese pair choose rooftop of DUC’s national office to setup house by Leigh Patterson The Canada goose pair arrived at Oak Hammock Marsh in early March, just as the frozen wetlands were starting to soften and thaw. Together, they weathered a spring snowstorm, heavy rains, and the ever-blowing prairie winds. As the temperatures warmed, the […]
Read moreRecording the arrival of the first Canada Goose spotted at Oak Hammock Marsh every Spring has been an annual tradition since 1994. In 1998 the first goose contest was created as a fun way for visitors to guess when the first goose would arrive.
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